Pico Accessories

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  • 60 A  AC/DC Current Clamp BNC
    Based on 0 reviews.
    The PP264 is a 10 mA to 60 A current clamp, ideal for use with a Pico automotive oscilloscope for measuring the current drawn by smaller devices, such as fuel injectors and fuel pumps. The current clamp has two calibration settings, set by a slider switch on the handle of the probe. 1 mV/10..
    Inc. VAT: £112.80 £94.00
  • 2000 A  AC/DC Current Clamp BNC
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    A 2000 amp current clamp, ideal for use with a PicoScope oscilloscope for displaying starter current waveforms, charging currents and for performing relative compression tests on large engined vehicles especially commercials. The current clamp can measure up to 2000 amps DC. In use there is no ne..
    Inc. VAT: £262.80 £219.00
  • Coil On Plug Ignition Probe (with cable) PP357
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    The TA204 coil-on-plug (COP) and signal probe from Pico Technology is the fastest way to check coil-on-plug ignition coils and spark plugs. Find misfires fast Displays scope patterns of the secondary, faster than scoping the primary Works on all automotive scopes capable of displaying ig..
    Inc. VAT: £178.80 £149.00
  • Coil-On-Plug Extension Lead
    Based on 0 reviews.
    Coil-on-Plug extension leads are the simple accessory that allow you to take accurate secondary ignition measurements on Coil-on-Plug ignition systems. Coil-on-Plug extension leads are designed to aid diagnostics on secondary ignition circuits by allowing an HT measurement to be made when there i..
    Inc. VAT: £42.00 £35.00
  • Coil-On-Plug Extension Lead Set of 4
    Based on 0 reviews.
    Coil-on-Plug extension leads are the simple accessory that allow you to take accurate secondary ignition measurements on Coil-on-Plug ignition systems. Coil-on-Plug extension leads are designed to aid diagnostics on secondary ignition circuits by allowing an HT measurement to be made when there i..
    Inc. VAT: £170.40 £142.00
  • Pico PP619 CAN–Bus Test Box
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    The CAN Test Box is a diagnostic tool which connects to a vehicle᾿s OBDII connector and lets you easily diagnose electrical faults. Instantly check power and ground circuits Identify communication link protocols Connect an oscilloscope for signal capture and collection of signal waveform d..
    Inc. VAT: £259.20 £216.00